Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.
Isaiah 9:6
Words: Translated from German to Danish by Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig (1783–1872) (Et lidet Barn saa lystelligt). Translated from Danish to English by Paul C. Paulsen in the Hymnal for Church and Home (Blair, Nebraska: Danish Lutheran Publishing House, 1927), number 85.
Music: Randers Carl C. N. Balle (1806–1855) (🔊
If you know the original German title or author, when the translations or music were written or first published, or where get good pictures of Paulsen or Balle (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
A little child so fair and bright
Is sent to us from Heaven;
Before or since that Christmas night
Such gift was never given;
But when the time of God was come,
His Son did leave His heav’nly home
And found on earth a mother;
This Morning Star, this Child of fame,
In lowliness among us came
To be our Lord and brother.
Exalted in eternity
Is Jesus Christ, our Savior!
All honor to our Father be
For His unequaled favor!
Each Christmas day anew we raise
Our voices unto Him in praise,
In joyful adoration;
Though poor our hallelujahs ring.
In Heaven countless voices sing
With ours in jubilation.