Scripture Verse

The Lord will bring me into the light, and I will see His righteousness. Micah 7:9


Hampton H. Sewell (1875–1938)

Words: May Corn­well, 1895.

Music: Hamp­ton H. Sew­ell (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Corn­well (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Lift me high­er, bless­èd Mas­ter,
Higher still in­to the light,
Up above the fear­ful sha­dows
Of earth’s sin and gloom and night.


Higher, Sav­ior,
Nearer to Thy pierc­èd side,
With Thy lov­ing arms about me,
Let me ev­er­more abide.

Hold me clos­er, bless­èd Mas­ter,
In a firm and fond em­brace;
Let no sha­dows pass be­tween me
And the glo­ry of Thy face.


Make me purer, bless­èd Mas­ter,
Pure in pur­pose, deed and heart;
May the pu­ri­ty of Je­sus
Of my own life form a part.
