Watchman, what of the night?
Isaiah 21:11
Words: Fanny Crosby, in The Gospel Choir No. 2 (New York: Biglow & Main, 1895), number 34.
Music: Rosepine James H. Burke (🔊
Lift up thine eyes, O watchman, the armies of the Lord
Are riding forth to conquest with buckler, shield and sword;
Glad tidings unto Zion, that valiant host shall ring,
And shout aloud, Hosanna! The Lord, the Lord is king
And shout aloud, Hosanna! The Lord, the Lord is king.
What dost thou see, O watchman? What dost thou see afar?
The gleaming of a banner, the rising of a star.
Then cry aloud, O watchman, with trumpet voice proclaim,
To all a full salvation, through Christ, the Savior’s name,
To all a full salvation, through Christ, the Savior’s name.
That radiant banner gleaming, that Star divinely bright,
Shall bear to every nation the blessèd Gospel light;
All kingdoms, crowns, and scepters, before the cross shall fall,
And Christ shall reign triumphant, the king and Lord of all;
And Christ shall reign triumphant, the king and Lord of all.