Scripture Verse

Watchman, what of the night? Isaiah 21:11


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in The Gos­pel Choir No. 2 (New York: Big­low & Main, 1895), num­ber 34.

Music: Rose­pine James H. Burke (🔊 pdf nwc).

James H. Burke (1855–1901)


Lift up thine eyes, O watch­man, the ar­mies of the Lord
Are rid­ing forth to con­quest with buck­ler, shield and sword;
Glad tid­ings un­to Zion, that val­iant host shall ring,
And shout aloud, Ho­san­na! The Lord, the Lord is king;
And shout aloud, Ho­san­na! The Lord, the Lord is king.

What dost thou see, O watch­man? What dost thou see afar?
The gleam­ing of a ban­ner, the ris­ing of a star.
Then cry aloud, O watch­man, with trum­pet voice pro­claim,
To all a full sal­va­tion, through Christ, the Sav­ior’s name,
To all a full sal­va­tion, through Christ, the Sav­ior’s name.

That ra­di­ant ban­ner gleaming, that Star di­vin­ely bright,
Shall bear to ev­ery na­tion the bless­èd Gos­pel light;
All king­doms, crowns, and scep­ters, be­fore the cross shall fall,
And Christ shall reign tri­um­phant, the king and Lord of all;
And Christ shall reign tri­um­phant, the king and Lord of all.