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Scripture Verse

Of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to Whom be glory for ever. Romans 11:36


Words: Sy­ne­si­us of Cy­rene (now Shah­hat, Li­bya) (ca. 373–ca. 414), Ode III (Αγε μοι ψυχα), de­di­cat­ed to his own be­loved Li­bya, on his re­turn from the court of Ar­ca­di­us. Trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by Al­len W. Chat­field, Songs and Hymns of Ear­li­est Greek Chris­tian Po­ets, 1876.

Music: Fest­ubert Al­fred H. Brew­er, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1916 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Sy­ne­si­us, Chat­field, or Brew­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Lift up thy­self, my soul,
Above this world’s con­trol!
Spend and be spent in ho­ly hymns of praise.
Be armed with pure de­sire,
Burn with ce­les­ti­al fire;
Unto the King of kings our voice we raise;
To Him a crown we weave, and bring
A sac­ri­fice of words, a blood­less of­fer­ing.

Thee on the trou­bled deep,
Thee o’er the is­lands steep,
Thee through the migh­ty con­ti­nents of land,
Thee in the ci­ty’s throng,
Or mount­ain tops along,
Or when in ce­le­brat­ed plains I stand,
Thee, Thee, O bless­èd One, I sing,
Thee, Thee, O Fa­ther
Of the world, eter­nal King!

Thy praise I hymn by night,
Thy praise at morn­ing light,
Thy praise by day, Thy praise at ev­en­tide.
This know the hoa­ry stars,
And moon with sil­ver bars,
And chief­ly He that doth on high pre­side
O’er all the host of Heav’n, the sun
Who mea­sur­ing time for
Holy souls his course doth run.

O mind im­mut­able!
O light in­scrut­able!
Thine is the eye that guides the light­ning fire,
In Thee the ag­es live,
Thou dost their lim­its give,
Who can Thy prais­es reach, eter­nal Sire?
Thou art be­yond the dreams of men;
Beyond the reach of mind,
Or high­est an­gel’s ken.

O’er all Thy rule is spread,
The liv­ing and the dead;
To minds that be, the par­ent mind Thou art;
All Heav’n Thou dost con­trol,
Thou nour­ish­est the soul,
And dost to spir­it en­er­gy im­part,
The spring Thou art whence all things flow;
And from eter­ni­ty the root
Whence all things grow.