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Scripture Verse

At evening time it shall be light. Zechariah 14:7


Horace L. Hastings

Words: Hor­ace L. Hast­ings, Songs of Pil­grim­age (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Scrip­tur­al Tract Re­po­si­to­ry, 1888), num­ber 1480.

Music: Glen­dale, Ax­el E. Bloom, 1909 (🔊 ). The orig­in­al mu­sic­al score sug­gest­ed that when per­formed by a choir, a du­et sings the first four lines of each verse, and a quar­tet sings the se­cond four lines.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bloom (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Day is far spent, the sha­dows length­en round us,
Bright shine the gates of sun­set on our sight;
Break one by one the ten­der ties that bound us,
Yet to our souls at ev­en­ing there is light.
Long tossed by waves, by tem­pests beat and broken,
Fair sleeps our port be­neath the sun­set blest;
Calmly we glide to realms of peace un­brok­en,
In that bright ha­ven of eter­nal rest.

Breezes of balm blow from those shores im­mor­tal;
Soft sleep the bil­lows in the ra­di­ance fair;
Angelic forms be­side each heav’n­ly por­tal
Wait to re­ceive, and bid us wel­come there.
No foe­man’s oar shall vex those pla­cid wa­ters,
No gal­lant ship shall ev­er pass there­by;
No part­ing friends, or weep­ing sons and daugh­ters,
Shall breathe their sighs be­neath that cloud­less day.

Hushed is the jar of earth’s dis­cord­ant nois­es;
Blest is the si­lence, ho­ly is the calm;
While from the shore sound pure im­mor­tal voic­es,
Chanting sweet snatch­es of an an­gel’s psalm.
Farewell to earth, its sor­rows and its glad­ness;
Its clouds and gloom are fad­ing from my sight;
Welcome the shores that know no tears or sad­ness,
The day de­clines; at ev­en­ing there is light!