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Scripture Verse

I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2


Edward W. Dunbar (1823–1894)

Words: Ed­ward W. Dun­bar, in The An­ni­ver­sa­ry and Sun­day School Mu­sic Book No. 15 (New York: Hor­ace Wa­ters, 1858).

Music: Will­iam B. Brad­bury, The Gold­en Cen­ser (New York: Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, 1864), pag­es 110–11 (🔊 ).

William Bradbury

When a boy, but twelve years old, I worked hard to sup­port my mo­ther and two young­er bro­thers, and us­ual­ly car­ried my earn­ings home ev­ery ev­en­ing.

One night, it be­ing ve­ry dark and mud­dy, and hav­ing three miles to tra­vel, and a hea­vy bun­dle to ca­rry, I did not reach home un­til late: my mo­ther, fee­ble and wea­ry, had re­tired, but she quick­ly aroused when she heard my voice, and soon met me at the door, with a warm kiss, and warm­er tears, and a God bless you, my dear boy.

As she re­ceived my bun­dle, she ex­claimed, Af­ter this, I’ll set a light in the win­dow for you, and true to her word, the bright light in the win­dow ap­peared, and Oh! how it cheered my heart ev­er af­ter for years.

Health fail­ing me, I left home (af­ter my bro­thers could help mo­ther), and went to sea. When three years from home, and on the Pa­ci­fic Ocean, my mo­ther died; but just be­fore she ex­pired, she said to those around her, O give Ed­ward my dy­ing bless­ing, for he has been a good boy. Tell him I have gone to Heav­en, and will set a light in the win­dow for him.

In the Sab­bath School Bell No. 2 (New York: Hor­ace Wa­ters, 1860), p. 22


There’s a light in the win­dow for thee, bro­ther,
There’s a light in the win­dow for thee;
A dear one has moved to the man­sions above,
There’s a light in the win­dow for thee.


A man­sion in Heav­en we see,
And a light in the win­dow for thee.
A man­sion in Heav­en we see,
And a light in the win­dow for thee.

There’s a crown, and a robe, and a palm, bro­ther,
When from toil and from care you are free;
The Sav­ior has gone to pre­pare you a home,
With a light in the win­dow for thee.


O watch, and be faith­ful, and pray, bro­ther,
All your jour­ney o’er life’s trou­bled sea,
Tho’ af­flict­ions as­sail you, and storms beat sev­ere,
There’s a light in the win­dow for thee.


Then on, per­sev­er­ing­ly on, bro­ther,
Till from con­flict and suf­fer­ing free;
Bright an­gels now beck­on you ov­er the stream,
There’s a light in the win­dow for thee.
