Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
Psalm 23:4
Words & Music: Henry S. Lowing, in Light in the Valley, by George C. Hugg (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: George Hugg, 1898), number 1 (🔊
There’s a light in the valley
For me, for me;
There’s a light in the valley
For me, for me.
O Jesus, come and rescue
Poor me, yes, me;
O Jesus, come and rescue
Poor me, yes, me.
Great chariot of salvation,
Take me, yes me;
Great chariot of salvation,
Take me, yes me.
O brother, come to Jesus,
Come now, just now;
O brother, come to Jesus,
Come now, just now.
For Jesus wants to save you
Just now, yes now;
For Jesus wants to save you
Just now, yes now.