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Scripture Verse

Trust in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:8


Words: Will­iam A. Mühl­en­berg, in the Pray­er Book Col­lect­ion, 1826. This hymn has oft­en been pub­lished in short­ened ver­sions, start­ing with ei­ther verse 2 or verse 3.

Music: Ad­ri­an (Gould) John E. Gould, The Mo­dern Harp (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1846) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

William A. Mühlenberg (1796–1877)


Like Noah’s wea­ry dove,
That soared the earth around,
But not a rest­ing place above
The cheer­less wa­ters found—

O cease, my wan­der­ing soul,
On rest­less wing to roam;
All the wide world, to ei­ther pole,
Has not for thee a home.

Behold the ark of God.
Behold the op­en door;
Hasten to gain that dear abode,
And rove, my soul, no more.

There, safe shalt thou abide,
There sweet shall be thy rest,
And ev­ery long­ing sa­tis­fied,
With full sal­va­tion blessed.

Ah, yes! I all for­sake,
My all to Thee re­sign;
Gracious Re­deem­er, take, O take
And seal me ev­er Thine.

Noah Releasing a Dove from the Ark
St. Mary’s Church
Burnham Deepdale, King’s Lynn, England