I will offer to Thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving.
Psalm 116:17
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Pure Gold, edited by Robert Lowry & W. Howard Doane (New York: Biglow & Main, 1871), number 5.
Music: Gunnersbury Robert Lowry (🔊
Like gentle dew the blessings fall
From God whose love inspires our song;
Our time, our talents and our all,
From Him received, to Him belong.
Then let us offer to His name
The willing sacrifice of praise;
And may our grateful lips proclaim
His goodness in the notes we raise!
On Jesus all our sins were laid;
He freely shed His precious blood,
And thus our advocate was made,
That He might bring us near to God.
To save from death our guilty race,
He bore the cross, endured the pain;
O wondrous riches of His grace!
In Him we die to live again.