It is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man’s judgment.
1 Corinthians 4:3
Words: Daniel W. Whittle, in The Gospel Choir No. 2, edited by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan & George C. Stebbins (Toronto, Canada: Copp, Clark, 1895), number 14. Some hymnals give the author as El Nathan, one of Whittle’s pseudonyms.
Music: Kerman James McGranahan (🔊
O joyful life, to live for God,
To feel His presence near;
To feed upon His precious Word,
And seek His face in prayer;
To count it joy to be unknown,
Unseen by mortal eye,
Like flowers that bloom for Him alone,
Where none but God is nigh.
My Savior, grant this grace to me,
That I for Thee may live,
And wholly give myself to Thee,
As Thou for me didst give;
Deliver me from love of praise,
Man’s flattery or his fear;
Thy glory keep before my gaze,
That naught may charm me here.
In all I do, be this my thought,
My Master’s smile to gain;
All earthly honor count as naught,
And naught all earthly pain;
O be Thou near when morning breaks,
To fill my soul with praise;
And as the sun his circuit makes,
Shed light on all my ways.
O be Thou near at eventide,
When night is drawing nigh,
That peace may in my heart abide,
Though darkness veil the sky;
And when my task on earth is done,
O may I die to Thee,
And live where flowers immortal bloom
Through all eternity.