Scripture Verse

My people would not hearken to My voice; and Israel would not submit to Me. So I gave them up unto their own hearts’ lust: and they walked in their own counsels. Psalm 81:11–12


Words: From Psalm 81, in The Psalms, Newly Pa­ra­phrased for the Ser­vice of the Sanc­tu­ary, by Jo­seph P. Bart­rum (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Rus­sell & Os­borne, 1833), page 100.

Music: Guide Mar­cus M. Wells, 1858 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bar­trum or Wells (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Listen, peo­ples, while I tell
What an el­der race befell;
Hearken to the so­lemn word,
Learn obe­di­ence to the Lord.

Israel, erst from bond­age freed,
Chosen for a ho­ly seed,
Blessed with an un­er­ring code,
Worshipped one eter­nal God!

He their ene­mies sub­dued,
Hearts by bound­less boun­ties wooed,
Fed them with the fin­est wheat,
Milk and ho­ney, pur­est treat!

Oft as trou­ble raised its cry,
Still was their pro­tect­or nigh;
From His sec­ret place He came,
Swift to res­cue, slow to blame.

Long His pity had en­dured,
Long their pros­perous state se­cured;
Till, im­pa­tient of re­proof,
Impious, they dis­owned His truth!

Then, aban­doned to their lust,
Sold to self­ish­ness and dust,
Soon a ’whelm­ing tem­pest came;
Swept away their place and name.