Death is swallowed up in victory.
1 Corinthians 15:54
Words & Music: Joseph W. Lerman, 1902 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Lerman (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Listen to the song swelling o’er the earth,
Millions now their voices raise
In triumphant note of praise;
Loud hosannas sing to the conqu’ring King—
Vanquished He the grave—
From death removed the sting.
Easter dawn, happy morn!
When the Lord rose from death to set us free
For all eternity,
We sing our happy lay, on this day, and alway
We’ll rejoice that Christ o’er death
Has gained the victory.
Shattered were the bonds of the dismal tomb,
Ended, too, were death’s dark woes
On the day when Christ arose;
Heaven rang again with a glad refrain,
Earth pealed forth the chorus:
Hell’s dark power is vain.
Jesus Christ, the first fruits of them that slept,
Brushed away death’s mighty bar;
Heaven’s gates now stand ajar,
And beyond this strife, sin and evil rife,
All may pass thro’ death
Unto eternal life.