Scripture Verse

Thou hast ascended on high. Psalm 68:18


Berthold Tours (1838–1897)

Words: Will­iam G. Tar­rant, 1890.

Music: Rot­ter­dam Ber­thold Tours, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William G. Tarrant (1853–1928)


The light along the ag­es
Shines high­er as it goes;
From age to age more glo­ri­ous
Its ra­di­ant splen­dor grows.
Man’s life, be­gun so low­ly,
Now soars to Hea­ven above,
To share in life eter­nal
The joys of end­less love.

But ev­ery gift sur­pass­ing,
This won­drous gift we own—
The Son of Man is ris­en
To dwell be­fore Thy throne.
Wherever good­ness reign­eth
The soul of Christ lives on,
And ev­ery Christ­like spir­it
Shall rise where He hath gone.