Scripture Verse

He, bearing His cross, went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha. John 19:17


Words: By the com­pil­ers of Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern and oth­ers.

Music: Swan­sea, tra­di­tion­al tune. Har­mo­ny by Will­iam H. Monk in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

William H. Monk (1823–1889)


God the Fa­ther, God the Son,
God the Spir­it, Three in One,
Hear us from Thy hea­ven­ly throne,
Spare us, Holy Tri­ni­ty.

Jesus, who for us didst bear,
Scorn and sor­row, toil and care,
Hearken to our low­ly pray­er;
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By that hour of ago­ny,
Spent while Thine apos­tles three
Slumbered in Geth­se­ma­ne,
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By the pray­er Thou thrice didst pray
That the cup might pass away,
So Thou might­est still ob­ey,
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By the kiss of trea­che­ry,
To Thy foes be­tray­ing Thee,
By Thy harsh cap­ti­vi­ty,
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By the scourg­ing Thou hast borne,
By the pur­ple robe of scorn,
By the reed and crown of thorn,
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By the in­sult of the Jews,
When Bar­ab­bas they would choose,
And did Thee their king refuse,
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By Thy go­ing forth to die,
When they raised the wick­ed cry,
Crucify Him, cru­ci­fy!
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By the cross which Thou didst bear,
By the cup they bade Thee share,
Mingled gall and vi­ne­gar,
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By Thy nail­ing to the tree,
By the ti­tle over Thee,
By the gloom of Cal­va­ry,
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By the part­ing of Thy clothes,
By the mock­ing of Thy foes,
As they watched Thy dy­ing woes,
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

By Thy se­ven words then said,
By the bow­ing of Thy head,
By Thy num­ber­ing with the dead,
Hear us, Ho­ly Je­su.

When temp­ta­tion sore is rife,
When we faint amidst the strife.
Thou, whose death hath been our life,
Save us, Ho­ly Je­su.

While on stor­my seas we toss,
Let us count all things as loss
But Thee on­ly on Thy cross,
Save us, Ho­ly Je­su.

So, with hope in Thee made fast,
When death’s bit­ter­ness is past,
We may see Thy face at last,
Save us, Ho­ly Je­su.