Scripture Verse

A still, small voice. 1 Kings 19:12


Words: Ma­ry M. Cul­ter, in Unit­ed Praise, ed­it­ed by Ed­mund Lo­renz & Ira B. Wil­son (New York: Lo­renz, 1908), num­ber 87.

Music: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cul­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Edmund S. Lorenz (1854–1942)


There’s mu­sic in my soul to­day,
A mu­sic rich and sweet,
Which fills my life with me­lo­dy
And makes my joy com­plete!
For I have heard the whis­per of
A voice that speaks to me
Of par­don, which my Lord be­stows,
And love be­yond de­gree.


I am list­en­ing to God!
I am list­en­ing to God!
My heart is still, I fear no ill,
I’m list­en­ing to God!

He tells me of the ten­der care
That guards me night and day;
He tells me of a lov­ing hand
That leads me all the way;
He speaks the word of com­fort when
My heart is sore op­pressed,
And whis­pers of the heav’n­ly land,
Where I shall find His rest.


He bids me fear no ev­il thing
But trust His watch­ful care;
He bids me cast on Him the load
I find too great to bear;
He points me to the bet­ter land
Where bur­dens are laid down,
And pro­mis­es that I shall wear
In Heav’n a vic­tor’s crown.
