Scripture Verse

No night there. Revelation 22:5


Words: Henry Bur­ton, 1877.

Music: James Mc­Gra­na­han (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bur­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

James McGranahan (1840–1907)



We’ve jour­neyed many a day
Upon an ocean wide,
Amid the mist and spray
Of ma­ny a surg­ing tide;
But, lo! the land is near!
For just be­yond the foam
I see it bright and clear,
The light of home, sweet home.


There’s a light up­on the shore, bro­ther,
It flash­es from the strand;
The night is almost o’er, bro­ther,
The ha­ven’s just at hand.

We’ve had our storms of doubt,
Our rains of bit­ter tears,
Our fight­ings fierce with­out,
Within our anx­ious fears;
But, lo! the storms are past,
They can­not reach us more;
We’ve sight­ed land at last,
The bless­èd storm­less shore.


O land of calm­est rest,
Where suns no more go down!
O ha­ven of the blest,
With bliss and glo­ry crowned!
No more the storm, the dark,
The break­ers and the foam,
No more the wail, for hark!
We hear the songs of home.
