Scripture Verse

Be not weary in well doing. 2 Thessalonians 3:13


Words: Lat­ta C. Lord, in The Pearl, ed­it­ed by J. M. Kief­fer (Cleve­land, Ohio: S. Brain­ard & Sons, 1871).

Music: L. M. Burk­hold­er, 1900 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Burk­hold­er’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Lord,


Is thy trem­bling heart awea­ry?
Are thy foot­steps al­most gone?
Does life seem a wea­ry bur­den?
Courage, bro­ther, strug­gle on!
Bear it cheer­ful­ly and brave­ly,
Do not stop to weep or sigh;
After night the morn­ing dawn­eth,
Light will greet thee by and by.


By and by the morn­ing dawn­eth,
By and by, by and by.
Tho’ thou see’st no sign of dawn­ing,
Light will greet thee by and by.

Is thy spirit sad with­in thee?
Raise thy heart in ear­nest pray­er;
Trust a Fa­ther’s lov­ing kind­ness,
Trust a Fa­ther’s ten­der care.
Call up­on Him in thy sor­row,
He will hear thy fal­ter­ing cry;
Tho’ thou seest no sign of dawn­ing,
Light shall greet thee by and by.


Has thy spir­it grown awea­ry?
Do not fal­ter in the strife!
God has work for thee, my bro­ther,
As thou tread’st the path of life.
Darkness may ob­scure thy path­way,
Clouds may ga­ther in the sky;
Storms may rage, but do not mur­mur,
Light shall greet thee by and by.
