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Scripture Verse

There appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3


Words: Ano­ny­mous, cir­ca 1850.

Music: Ad­vent (Ply­mouth), in the Ply­mouth Col­lect­ion, by Hen­ry W. Beech­er (New York: A. S. Barnes, 1855), num­ber 125, where it is des­cribed as a West­ern me­lo­dy (🔊 ).


Lord, in Thy pre­sence dread and sweet,
Thine own dear Spir­it we en­treat
His se­ven­fold gifts to shed
On us, who fall be­fore Thee now,
Bearing the cross up­on our brow
On which our Mas­ter bled.

Spirit of wis­dom! turn our eyes
From earth and earth­ly va­ni­ties,
To heav­en­ly truth and love.
Spirit of un­der­stand­ing true!
Our souls with ho­ly light en­due
To seek the things above.

Spirit of coun­sel! be our guide;
Teach us by earth­ly strug­gles tried
Our heav­en­ly crown to win.
Spirit of for­ti­tude! Thy pow­er
Be with us in temp­ta­tion’s hour,
To keep us pure from sin.

Spirit of know­ledge! lead our feet
In Thine own paths se­cure and sweet,
By an­gel foot­steps trod;
Where Thou our guard­ian true shalt be,
Spirit of gen­tle pi­ety!
To keep us close to God.

But most of all, be ev­er near,
Spirit of God’s most ho­ly fear,
In our heart’s in­most shrine:
Our souls with lov­ing rev­er­ence fill,
To wor­ship His most ho­ly will,
All right­eous and di­vine.

So, dear­est Lord, through peace or strife,
Led us to ev­er­last­ing life,
Where on­ly rest may be.
What mat­ter where our lot is cast,
If only it may end at last
In pa­ra­dise with Thee!