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Scripture Verse

Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20


Jesse L. Holman (1784–1842)

Words: Jesse L. Hol­man, in Hymns, Psalms and Spir­it­ual Songs, by Ab­sa­lom Graves, se­cond edi­tion, 1829, num­ber 263.

Music: Ar­ling­ton Tho­mas A. Arne, 1762. Ar­ranged by Ralph Har­ris­on, 1784 (🔊 ).

Thomas Arne (1710–1778)


Lord, in Thy pre­sence here we meet,
May we in Thee be found;
O, make the place di­vine­ly sweet;
O, let Thy grace abound.

Today the or­der of Thy house
We would in peace main­tain;
We would re­new our so­lemn vows,
And heav­en­ly strength re­gain.

Thy Spir­it, gra­cious Lord, im­part,
Our faith and hope in­crease;
Display Thy love in ev­ery heart,
And keep us all in peace.

Let no dis­cord­ant pass­ions rise,
To mar the work of love;
But hold us in those heav­en­ly ties,
That bind the saints above.

With har­mo­ny and un­ion bless,
That we may own to Thee
How good, how sweet, how plea­sant ’tis
When breth­ren all agree.

May Zi­on’s good be kept in view,
And bless our fee­ble aim,
That all we un­der­take to do,
May glo­ri­fy Thy name.

May ev­ery heart be now pre­pared
To do Thy high com­mands,
And may the plea­sure of the Lord
Be pros­pered in our hands.

Of those who Thy sal­va­tion know
Add to our fee­ble few;
And may that ho­ly num­ber grow,
Like drops of morn­ing dew.

Work in us by Thy gra­cious sway,
And make Thy work ap­pear,
That all may feel, and all may say,
The Lord in­deed is here.