Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
Words: Jesse L. Holman, in Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Songs, by Absalom Graves, second edition, 1829, number 263.
Music: Arlington Thomas A. Arne, 1762. Arranged by Ralph Harrison, 1784 (🔊
Lord, in Thy presence here we meet,
May we in Thee be found;
O, make the place divinely sweet;
O, let Thy grace abound.
Today the order of Thy house
We would in peace maintain;
We would renew our solemn vows,
And heavenly strength regain.
Thy Spirit, gracious Lord, impart,
Our faith and hope increase;
Display Thy love in every heart,
And keep us all in peace.
Let no discordant passions rise,
To mar the work of love;
But hold us in those heavenly ties,
That bind the saints above.
With harmony and union bless,
That we may own to Thee
How good, how sweet, how pleasant ’tis
When brethren all agree.
May Zion’s good be kept in view,
And bless our feeble aim,
That all we undertake to do,
May glorify Thy name.
May every heart be now prepared
To do Thy high commands,
And may the pleasure of the Lord
Be prospered in our hands.
Of those who Thy salvation know
Add to our feeble few;
And may that holy number grow,
Like drops of morning dew.
Work in us by Thy gracious sway,
And make Thy work appear,
That all may feel, and all may say,
The Lord indeed is here.