Scripture Verse

Order my steps in Thy Word. Psalm 119:133


Words: Lu­cin­da B. Bate­man, in The Child­ren’s Hal­le­lu­jah, ed­it­ed by James H. Ro­se­crans & James H. Fill­more, Sr. (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1886), alt.

Music: James H. Ro­se­crans (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bate­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

James H. Rosecrans (1843–1926)


I washed my hands this morn­ing,
O ve­ry clean and bright,
And lent them both to Je­sus,
To work for Him till night.


Little feet, be care­ful,
Where you take me to;
Anything for Je­sus,
Only let me do.

I told my ears to list­en
Quite close­ly all day thro’,
For any act of kind­ness
Such lit­tle hands can do.


My eyes are set to watch them
About their work or play,
To keep them out of mis­chief,
For Je­sus’ sake all day.
