Scripture Verse

In Him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28


Words: Tho­mas O. Crouse, in The Voice of Thanks­giv­ing No. 3 (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Moo­dy Bi­ble In­sti­tute, 1921), num­ber 141.

Music: Guy C. Latch­aw (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Crouse or Lat­chaw (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I am living in the sun­shine
Of my Sav­ior’s per­fect love,
And by faith I see Him seat­ed
On His glo­ri­ous throne above.
There, ap­proved of God the Fa­ther,
He for­ev­er pleads for me;
And His faith­ful word de­clar­eth
There is par­don full and free.


O come in­to the sun­shine of His love,
Receive the great sal­va­tion from above;
It gives you glad re­lease,
And fills your heart with peace;
O come in­to the sun­shine,
The sun­shine of His love.

O, this sun­shine! how its glo­ry
Fills my heart with con­stant peace;
And from bond­age with­out mea­sure
It has brought me glad re­lease.
Once life’s lit­tle cares would fret me,
Threatening ills my soul af­fright,
But the swee­tness of this sun­shine
Makes the hea­vy cross­es light.


Gladly now my feet are run­ning
On the er­rands of my Lord;
And to do or suf­fer for Him,
Deep con­tent­ment doth af­ford.
At each step the way grows bright­er,
Golden glo­ry fills the sky;
In the pro­mise of His com­ing,
Our re­demp­tion draw­eth nigh.
