Let my supplication come before Thee; deliver me according to Thy Word.
Psalm 119:170
Words: Hans C. Sthen, circa 1578 (Herre Jesu Krist! Min Frelser du est). Translated from Norwegian to English by Harriet R. Spaeth, 1898.
Music: Herre Jesu Krist Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1871 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Sthen or Spaeth (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior blest,
My hope and my salvation!
I trust in Thee; deliver me from misery;
Thy Word’s my consolation.
As Thou dost will, lead Thou me still
That I may truly serve Thee,
My God, I pray, teach me
Thy way to my last day
In Thy true faith preserve me.
Most heartily I trust in Thee;
Thy mercy fails me never.
Dear Lord, abide;
My helper tried,Thou crucified,
From evil keep me ever.
Now henceforth must I put my trust
In Thee, O dearest Savior.
Thy comfort choice,
Thy Word and voice, my heart rejoice
Despite my ill behavior.
When sorrows rise, my refuge lies
In Thy compassion tender.
Within Thine arm can naught alarm;
Keep me from harm,
Be Thou my strong defender.
I have Thy Word, Christ Jesus, Lord;
Thou never wilt forsake me.
This will I plead in time of need.
Oh, help with speed
When troubles overtake me!
Grant, Lord, I pray, Thy grace each day
That I, Thy law revering,
May live with Thee
And happy be eternally
Before Thy throne appearing.