Scripture Verse

Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me. Matthew 25:40


Words: Ben­ja­min M. Chase, Har­mo­nies of Praise (New York: Ben­ja­min M. Chase, 1909), num­ber 28.

Music: De­na­li Ra­fa­el Na­var­ro, 1909 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Chase (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Though you may not cross the ocean,
To the land where hea­then dwell,
And to them the won­drous story
Of the love of Je­sus tell,
You can be a miss­ion­ary,
There is much that you can do,
All around are lit­tle miss­ions,
That the Lord has giv’n to you.

To the doubt­ing ones around you,
To the wea­ry and op­pressed,
You can speak kind words of com­fort
That will give them peace and rest;
You can serve the old and fee­ble,
You can go the sick to see,
And your Sav­ior’s voice will whis­per,
Ye have done it un­to Me.

Though you may not have great rich­es,
And your tal­ents may be few,
You should give to God a por­tion
Of what He has giv’n to you;
Little of­fer­ings from the child­ren
Are most pre­cious in His sight,
He will take them and will bless them,
As He did the wi­dow’s mite.