The star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.
Matthew 2:9
Words: Samuel K. Cowan, in Voices of Praise, edited by Charles L. Hutchins (Boston, Massachusetts: Ditson, 1883).
Music: Walter Newport (🔊
Lo! a star, ye sages hoary;
Lo! a wondrous star above;
He is born, the King of glory,
He, our wondrous star of love.
Lord of life, Redeemer, Master,
Loud the shepherds’ welcome rolls,
He is born the people’s pastor,
He the shepherd of our souls.
When from Thee we fain would borrow
Peace for heart and soul oppressed,
Child of sorrows, heal our sorrows;
Spirit, give our spirits rest.
Let all evil past behavior
In Thy love forgotten be,
Let our spirits, gentle Savior,
Be this day newborn with Thee.