Scripture Verse

The star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. Matthew 2:9


Words: Sa­mu­el K. Cow­an, in Voic­es of Praise, ed­it­ed by Charles L. Hut­chins (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Dit­son, 1883).

Music: Wal­ter New­port (🔊 pdf nwc).


Lo! a star, ye sag­es hoa­ry;
Lo! a won­drous star ab­ove;
He is born, the King of glo­ry,
He, our won­drous star of love.
Lord of life, Re­deem­er, Mas­ter,
Loud the shep­herds’ wel­come rolls,
He is born the people’s pas­tor,
He the shep­herd of our souls.

When from Thee we fain would bor­row
Peace for heart and soul op­pressed,
Child of sor­rows, heal our sor­rows;
Spirit, give our spir­its rest.
Let all evil past behav­ior
In Thy love for­got­ten be,
Let our spir­its, gen­tle Sav­ior,
Be this day new­born with Thee.

The Star of Bethlehem
Gustave Doré (1832–1883)