From noon on, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.
Matthew 27:45
Words: Jane Taylor, Hymns for Infant Minds 1810.
Music: Verona John H. Deane, in the Hymnal and Order of Service (Rock Island, Illinois: Lutheran Augustana Book Concern, 1901), number 306 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
If you know where to get a good picture of Taylor or Deane (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Lo, at noon ’tis sudden night.
Darkness covers all the sky!
Rocks are rending at the sight!
Children, can you tell me why?
What can all these wonders be?
Jesus dies on Calvary.
Stretched upon the cross, behold
How His tender limbs are torn!
For a royal crown of gold,
They have made Him one of thorn!
Cruel hands, that dare to bind
Thorns upon a brow so kind.
See! the blood is falling fast
From His forehead and His side!
Listen! He has breathed His last!
With a mighty groan He died!
Children, can you tell me why
Jesus condescends to die?
He, who was a king above,
Left His kingdom for a grave,
Out of pity and of love,
That the guilty He might save:
Down to this sad world He flew
For such little ones as you.
You were wretched, weak, and vile;
You deserved His holy frown;
But He saw you with a smile,
And, to save you, hastened down:
Listen, children, this is why
Jesus condescends to die.
Come, then, children, come and see!
Lift your little hands to pray;
Blessèd Jesus, pardon me,
Help a guilty infant,
Since it was for such as I
Thou didst condescend to die.