Scripture Verse

…even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20


Words: Ina M. Sluss­er, in Sing un­to the Lord, ed­it­ed by Charles Ga­bri­el & Will­iam E. M. Hack­le­man (In­di­an­apo­lis, In­di­ana: Hack­le­man Mu­sic, 1906), num­ber 233.

Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Sluss­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)


My spir­it cri­eth out for Thee,
Thou liv­ing One who chang­eth not.
Earth’s noises flood and fol­low me
The while I try to call to Thee:
I call and find Thee not,
I call and find Thee not!


His work is done! the ris­en Lord
Speaks to His friends this part­ing word:
Lo! I am with you now, al­way,
Lo! I am with you now, al­way!

My soul is faint, my hope is gone,
Thou liv­ing One who gav­est sight
To those born blind, I grope alone
With none to help or hear my moan;
Is there for me no light?
Is there for me no light!


Oh, pur­blind soul, the light is here!
Self’s sha­dows on­ly blind thine eyes,
Nor hand is to thy­self more near
Than He who spake that all might hear
His mes­sage from the skies,
His mes­sage from the skies.
