…even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Ina M. Slusser, in Sing unto the Lord, edited by Charles Gabriel & William E. M. Hackleman (Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackleman Music, 1906), number 233.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Slusser (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
My spirit crieth out for Thee,
Thou living One who changeth not.
Earth’s noises flood and follow me
The while I try to call to Thee:
I call and find Thee not,
I call and find Thee not!
His work is done! the risen Lord
Speaks to His friends this parting word:
Lo! I am with you now, alway,
Lo! I am with you now, alway!
My soul is faint, my hope is gone,
Thou living One who gavest sight
To those born blind, I grope alone
With none to help or hear my moan;
Is there for me no light?
Is there for me no light!
Oh, purblind soul, the light is here!
Self’s shadows only blind thine eyes,
Nor hand is to thyself more near
Than He who spake that all might hear
His message from the skies,
His message from the skies.