Scripture Verse

A man [shall] leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh. Mark 10:7–8


John Berridge (1716–1793)

Words: John Ber­ridge, Si­on’s Songs, 1842 edi­tion. This is a mo­di­fied ver­sion of Since Je­sus Free­ly Did Ap­pear.

Music: Drink to Me On­ly, old Eng­lish air (🔊 pdf nwc).


Lord Je­sus, who didst once ap­pear
To grace a mar­riage feast;
We now be­seech Thy pre­sence here,
To make this wed­ding blest.
With grace the bride and bride­groom speed;
Thy love their pat­tern be;
May heart with heart be true in­deed,
As knit, O Lord, in Thee.

In pure­st love their souls unite,
That they with Christ-like care,
May make each other’s bur­den light,
By tak­ing mu­tu­al share.
And look­ing to their heav’n­ly home,
Oh, may they dwell each day,
As heirs of life till Thou shalt come
To take Thy bride away.

Till Death Us Do Part
Edmund B. Leighton (1853–1922)