Scripture Verse

There were…shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Luke 2:8


Words: H. R. Waite, in The Sun­day School Teach­er, Vol­ume 4 (Lon­don: Sun­day School Un­ion, 1871), page 561.

Music: Bar­ce­lo­na, ano­ny­mous, in Song Life, by Phi­lip Phil­lips (New York: Har­per & Bro­thers, 1872), page 9 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Waite’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Long ago in Beth­le­hem’s plain,
While the trem­bling shep­herd throng
Listened to the won­drous strain,
Angels sang this ho­ly song:
Lo! we bring you news of joy,
Peace on earth, good-will to men;
Glory be to God on high,
Christ the Lord is born—Amen.

Long ago the wise men came
From the far off Ori­ent way,
Guided by the star­ry flame,
Where the Son of Ma­ry lay.
Came to hear this news of joy,
Peace on earth, good-will to men;
Glory be to God on high,
Christ the Lord is born—Amen.

Bethlehem’s star is still in sight,
We re­joice to see its rays:
Angels sing again to­night:
We re­peat the song of praise—
Hallelujah! shout for joy!
Peace on earth, good-will to men;
Glory be to God on high,
Christ the Lord is born—Amen.

Gates of pearl are op­en wide,
Christ the Lord has passed with­in,
He on earth for sin­ners died,
That they, too, might en­ter in.
Hear! oh, hear the cry of joy,
Peace on earth, good-will to men;
Glory be to God on high,
Christ the Lord is born—Amen.

Songs of an­gels, star­ry light,
Glad ev­an­gels from above,
Lead us all, this Christ­mas night,
Toward the shin­ing gates ab­ove,
Whence first came this song of joy,
Peace on earth, good-will to men;
Glory be to God on high,
Christ the Lord is born—Amen.