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Scripture Verse

I have become like a bird alone on a roof. Psalm 102:7


Billie Hanks, Jr. (1944–)

Words & Mu­sic: Bill­ie Hanks, Jr., 1967 (🔊 ).


Lonely voic­es cry­ing in the ci­ty,
Lonely voic­es sound­ing like a child.
Lonely voic­es come from bu­sy peo­ple,
Too dis­turbed to stop a lit­tle while.
Lonely voic­es fill my dreams,
Lonely voic­es haunt my me­mo­ry.

Lonely faces look­ing for the sun­rise,
Just to find an­oth­er bu­sy day.
Lonely fac­es all around the ci­ty,
Men afraid, but too ashamed to pray.
Lonely faces do I see,
Lonely faces haunt my me­mo­ry.

Lonely eyes, I see them in the sub­way,
Burdened by the wor­ries of the day;
Men at lei­sure, but they’re so un­hap­py,
Tired of fool­ish roles they try to play.
Lonely peo­ple do I see,
Lonely peo­ple haunt my me­mo­ry.

Abundant life He came to tru­ly give man,
But so few His gift of grace re­ceive.
Lonely pe­ople live in ev­ery ci­ty,
Men who face a dark and lone­ly grave.
Lonely faces do I see,
Lonely voic­es call­ing out to me.