My times are in Thy hand.
Psalm 31:15
Words: Harriet W. Hall, February 10, 1869. Hall wrote this hymn for the installation of Reverend E. H. Hall at Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1869.
Music: St. George’s Windsor George J. Elvey, 1858 (🔊
Lord, beneath whose equal hand
Present, past, and future stand,
Hear us offer grateful praise
For Thy gifts in bygone days:
Gifts of gain and gifts of loss,
Boon of crown, and boon of cross,
Blessings from our angels fled,
Living gifts from hands long dead.
Children of the present, we
Dare not face it without Thee.
In this vivid, stern today
Nerve our work, and hear us pray.
Help us keep no peace with sin,
Calm us by Thy peace within;
Shield us from the day’s fierce light,
Shine throughout the darksome night.
For our future, best shall be
That which seemeth best to Thee!
Take our starting hopes and fears,
Giver of our changing years!
We would make nor prayer nor moan;
Thou art wise, and Thou alone,
Father, in whose loving hand
Present, past, and future stand.