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Scripture Verse

The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. Job 28:28


Words: Hen­ry J. Buck­oll, in Psalms and Hymns for Rug­by School Cha­pel, 1850.

Music: Clif­ton Col­lege Her­bert S. Oake­ley, 1889 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Buck­oll (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Herbert Oakeley


Lord, be­hold us with Thy bless­ing
Once again as­sem­bled here;
Onward be our foot­steps press­ing
In Thy love, and faith, and fear;
Still pro­tect us
By Thy pre­sence ev­er near.

For Thy mer­cy we adore Thee,
For this rest up­on our way;
Lord, again we bow be­fore Thee,
Speed our la­bors day by day;
Mind and spir­it
With Thy choic­est gifts ar­ray.

Keep the spell of home af­fect­ion
Still alive in ev­ery heart;
May its pow­er, with mild di­rect­ion,
Draw our love from self apart,
Till Thy child­ren
Feel that Thou their Fa­ther art.

Break temp­ta­tion’s fa­tal pow­er,
Shielding all with guard­ian care,
Safe in ev­ery care­less hour,
Safe from sloth and sen­su­al snare;
Thou, our Sav­ior,
Still our fail­ing strength re­pair.