Scripture Verse

The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend Thee. Psalm 20:1


Words: Scot­tish Psal­ter, alt.

Music: St. De­nio Welsh tune, from Can­ai­dau y Cys­segr (Songs of the Sanc­tu­ary), by John Ro­berts, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).


The Lord ev­er an­swer your cries of dis­tress;
May Ja­cob’s God keep you, whose name you con­fess.
God send you re­lief from His ho­li­est place,
And grant you from Zi­on sup­port by His grace.

And may He re­mem­ber each sac­ri­fice made,
Accept on the al­tar your of­fer­ings laid,
Fulfill, in His love, the de­sire of your heart—
Success to each one of your plans to im­part.

With joy we will shout when your vic­to­ry is won;
We’ll lift up our ban­ners in God’s name alone.
The Lord in His mer­cy re­ceive your re­quest,
And grant your pe­ti­tions as seems to Him best.

Now tru­ly I know that the Lord from above
Protects all His people in co­ve­nant love;
From Hea­ven He hears and at­tends to their cry,
And saves by the pow­er of His right hand on high.

In hors­es or cha­ri­ots some trust for de­fense;
The name of the Lord is our strong con­fi­dence.
Our en­emies sink to their knees as we rise:
O pros­per your peo­ple, Lord—ans­wer our cries!