The Lord God is a sun and shield.
Psalm 84:11
Words: Benjamin Keach, Spiritual Melody 1691, number 15, alt.
Music: Elim (Greatorex) Henry W. Greatorex, 1849 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Greatorex (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The Lord, He is our sun and shield,
Our buckler and our guard,
And hence we stand and will not yield,
Though enemies press hard.
Like as a shield the blow keeps off
The enemy lays on,
So He prevents all hurt to us,
And saves us every one.
Let foes strike at us as they please,
Upon the head or heart;
This precious shield which we do use
Secures us every part.
From sin, from Satan and the world
No art we need to fear,
Since Thou art such a shield to us,
Our God and Savior dear!
Our shield and our great reward,
To Thee all praise be given;
Who with Thy saving help afford
Until we come to Heaven.