Scripture Verse

He shall judge thy people with righteousness. Psalm 72:2


Eduard Kremser (1838–1914)

Words: Ka­tha­rine H. An­nin, The Con­cord Hym­nal (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: E. C. Schir­mer Mu­sic, 1920), page 47, alt. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as Ka­tha­rine Hunt­ing­ton, An­nin’s maid­en name.

Music: Krem­ser Dutch tune in The Col­lect­ion, Adri­an­us Va­le­ri­us, 1625. Ar­ranged by Ed­uard Krem­ser, 1877 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of An­nin (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Lord, in His right­eous­ness, judg­es the peo­ple;
The mount­ains and hills by His rule are se­cure;
The men of all na­tions, through­out all ge­ne­ra­tions,
Shall hon­or Him as long as the sun shall en­dure.

His bless­ings He scat­ters like show’rs from the hea­vens,
Like rain on the fields when the grass is new mown;
His peace is des­cend­ing, abun­dant, ne­ver end­ing;
The needy and op­pressed doth He count as His own.

From sea un­to sea shall He spread His do­min­ion,
From ends of the earth to the ri­vers that run;
The isles of the ocean shall of­fer Him de­vo­tion,
All kings shall bow be­fore Him, all na­tions be one.