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Scripture Verse

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing. John 15:5


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in The Chris­tian’s Du­ty (Ger­man­town, Penn­syl­van­ia: Pe­ter Lei­bert, 1801).

Music: Me­ri­bah Low­ell Ma­son, 1839 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


The Lord in­to His gar­den came
The spic­es yield a rich per­fume,
The li­lies grow and thrive:
Refreshing show­ers of grace di­vine,
From Je­sus flow to ev­ery vine,
And make the dead re­vive.

O that this dry and bar­ren ground
In springs of wa­ter may abound,
A fruit­ful soil be­come.
The de­sert blos­som as the rose,
When Je­sus con­quers all His foes,
And makes His peo­ple one.

The glo­ri­ous time is roll­ing on,
The gra­cious work is now be­gun;
My soul a wit­ness is,
I taste and see the par­don free,
For all man­kind, as well as me,
Who comes to Christ may live.

The worst of sin­ners here may find
A Sav­ior pi­ti­ful and kind:
Who will them all re­ceive.
None are too late who will re­pent;
Out of one sin­ner le­gions went,
The Lord did him re­lieve.

Come breth­ren, you that love the Lord,
And taste the sweet­ness of His word;
In Je­su’s way go on,
Our trou­bles and our tri­als here,
Will on­ly make us rich­er there,
When we ar­rive at home.

I feel that Heav­en is now be­gun,
It is­sues from the spark­ling throne;
From Je­su’s throne on high
It comes like floods, we can’t con­tain,
We drink, and drink, and drink again;
And yet we still are dry.

But when we come to reign above,
And all sur­round a throne of love,
We’ll drink a full sup­ply.
Jesus will lead His ar­mies through,
To liv­ing fount­ains where they flow,
That nev­er will run dry.

’Tis there we’ll reign, and shout, and sing,
And make the up­per re­gions ring;
When all the saints get home.
Come on, come on! my breth­ren dear,
Soon we shall meet to­ge­ther there:
For Je­sus bids us come.

Amen! amen! my soul re­plies,
I’m bound to meet you in the skies,
And claim my man­sions sure.
Now here’s my heart, and here’s my hand,
To meet you in the heav­en­ly land,
Where we shall part no more.