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LORD, SEND ME (Spencer)

Scripture Verse

Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8


Words & Mu­sic: M. W. Spen­cer, 1893 (🔊 ).

If you know Spen­cer’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


There is much to do,
There’s work on ev­ery hand;
Hark! the cry for help
Comes ring­ing thro’ the land;
Jesus calls for reap­ers,
I must ac­tive be;
What wilt Thou, O Mas­ter?
Here am I, send me.


Here am I; Lord, send me;
Here am I, rea­dy at Thy bid­ding,
Lord send me!

There’s the plaint­ive cry
Of mourn­ing souls dis­tressed,
And the sigh of hearts
Who seek but find no rest;
These should have my love
And ten­der sym­pa­thy;
Ready at Thy bid­ding,
Here am I, send me.


There are hun­ger­ing souls
Who cry aloud for bread;
With the Bread of Life
They’re long­ing to be fed;
Shall they starve and fam­ish
While a feast is free?
I must be more faith­ful;
Here am I, send me.


There are souls who lin­ger
On the brink of woe;
Lord, I must not, can­not
Bear to let them go;
Let me go and tell them,
Brother, turn and flee;
Master, I would save them;
Here am I, send me.
