Scripture Verse

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. Psalm 19:1–4


Words: Anne Steele, Po­ems on Sub­jects Chief­ly De­vo­tion­al 1760.

Music: Ab­er­deen pos­si­bly by An­drew Tait, in James Chal­mers’ un­ti­tled col­lect­ion, 1749. Me­lo­dy from Ru­di­ments of Mu­sic, by Ro­bert Brem­ner, 1756 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Steele (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Lord, when my rap­tured thought surv­eys
Creation’s beau­ties o’er,
All na­ture joins to teach Thy praise,
And bid my soul ad­ore.

Whene’er I turn my gaz­ing eyes,
Thy ra­di­ant foot­steps shine;
Ten thou­sand pleas­ing won­ders rise,
And speak their source di­vine.

The liv­ing tribe of count­less forms,
In earth and sea and air;
The mean­est flies, the small­est worms,
Almighty pow­er de­clare.

All rose to life at Thy com­mand,
And wait their dai­ly food
From Thy pa­ter­nal, boun­te­ous hand,
Exhaustless spring of good!

The meads, ar­rayed in smil­ing green,
With whole­some herb­age crowned;
The fields with corn, a rich­er scene,
Spread Thy full boun­ties round,

The fruit­ful tree, the bloom­ing flow­er,
In var­ied charms ap­pear;
Their var­ied charms dis­play Thy pow­er,
Thy good­ness all de­clare.

The sun’s pro­duct­ive quick­en­ing beams
The grow­ing ver­dure spread;
Refreshing rains and cool­ing streams
His gen­tle in­fluence aid.

The moon and stars his ab­sent light
Supply with bor­rowed rays,
And deck the sa­ble veil of night,
And speak their mak­er’s praise.

Thy wis­dom, pow­er and good­ness, Lord,
In all Thy works ap­pear;
And O let man Thy praise re­cord;
Man, Thy dis­tin­guished care.

From Thee the breath of life he drew;
That breath Thy pow­er main­tains;
Thy ten­der mer­cy ev­er new,
His brit­tle frame sus­tains.

Yet nob­ler fa­vors claim his praise,
Of rea­son’s light poss­essed;
By re­ve­la­tion’s bright­er rays
Still more di­vine­ly blest.

Thy pro­vi­dence, his con­stant guard
When threat­en­ing woes im­pend,
Or will th’im­pend­ing dan­gers ward,
Or time­ly suc­cors lend.

On me that pro­vi­dence has shone
With gen­tle smil­ing rays;
O let my lips and life make known
Thy good­ness, and Thy praise.

All boun­teous Lord, Thy grace im­part;
O teach me to im­prove
Thy gifts with ev­er grate­ful heart,
And crown them with Thy love.