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Scripture Verse

I will put my trust in Him. Hebrews 2:13


Words & Mu­sic: Flo­rence Hea­gle, 1905 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hea­gle (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Life lies be­fore me,
Naught in it can I con­trol,
So I give it in His keep­ing,
The Lord Je­sus of my soul;
So I give it in His keep­ing,
The Lord Je­sus of my soul.


I’ll trust what­e’er be­fall,
I’ll trust Him thro’ it all.

Sorrow lies be­fore me;
Friends are pre­cious to con­sole,
But He sur­pass­es all in com­fort,
The Lord Je­sus of my soul;
But He sur­pass­es all in com­fort,
The Lord Je­sus of my soul.


Darkness lies be­fore me;
I can­not see the goal,
I can on­ly hold fast trust­ing—
The Lord Je­sus of my soul;
I can on­ly hold fast trust­ing—
The Lord Je­sus of my soul.


Victory lies be­fore me!
Satan shall not have con­trol,
For He’s strong­er than the temp­ter,
The Lord Je­sus of my soul;
For He’s stron­ger than the temp­ter,
The Lord Je­sus of my soul.


Joy lies be­fore me!
For His grace doth keep me whole;
And my heart shall e’er keep prais­ing,
The Lord Je­sus of my soul;
And my heart shall e’er keep prais­ing,
The Lord Je­sus of my soul.

I’ll trust what­e’er be­fall,
I’ll praise Him thro’ it all.