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Scripture Verse

There remaineth a rest to the people of God. Hebrews 4:9


Thomas Lynch (1818–1871)

Words: Tho­mas T. Lynch, The Ri­vu­let (Lon­don: Ro­bert Theo­bald, 1855), num­ber 58.

Music: Ho­ly Day (Gow­er) John H. Gow­er, 1895 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Gow­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Lord, on Thy re­turn­ing day,
From com­mon la­bor freed,
We are come to sing and pray
With felt re­turn­ing need;
Come to seek our for­mer rest,
Come to urge our old re­quest.

Show us, Lord, the goal of life,
And give us heart to run;
Breathe the peace that fol­lows strife,
Lest fu­ture work we shun:
Hearts that has­ty time has griev­ed
Are by Sab­bath calm re­lieved.

We would sing as in the rays
Of mer­cy ev­er bright,
Which en­dureth, to Thy praise,
For ev­er Thy de­light:
Sing for hap­pi­ness we know,
Or that we may hap­py grow.

We would pray as those who stand
Their tru­est friend be­side,
Whom He tak­eth by the hand,
Unto their God to guide;
By His pow­er and for His sake,
Fully us Thy child­ren make.