Scripture Verse

God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:15


Alfred Scott-Gatty

Words: Hen­ry R. Mox­ley (1881–1964).

Music: Wel­wyn Al­fred Scott-Gat­ty, in Arun­del Hymns, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mox­ley (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Lord of true light, we grate­ful­ly ad­ore Thee
For all Thy gifts be­stowed upon our race,
For saints of old, who made their vows be­fore Thee,
And told the world the won­ders of Thy grace.

We praise Thee, Lord, that now the light is fall­ing
Here on Thy ser­vant in this solemn hour;
Confirm in him, his high and ho­ly call­ing,
Endue him with Thy wis­dom, love and pow­er.

Be in his mind, the truth of all his teach­ing,
Give him the faith that wel­comes all the light,
Till, from the sha­dows to Thy pre­sence reach­ing,
He sees the glo­ry that shall end our night.

Be in his heart, the fount of all his lov­ing,
Make him a shep­herd, kind to young and old,
Patient and watch­ful when Thy sheep are rov­ing,
Tending with care the lambs with­in the fold.

Be in his will, his strength for self de­ni­al;
Fit him to fol­low Thee through pain and loss,
Serving the world, un­til through ev­ery tri­al
He learns at length the tri­umph of the cross.