Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.
Isaiah 1:18
Words: Daniel S. Warner, in Salvation Echoes (Anderson, Indiana: Gospel Trumpet, 1900), number 51.
Music: Gelderland, adapted, 1900 (🔊
If you can identify the music from which Gelderland is adapted, would you send us an e-mail?
Onward moves the great Eternal,
In the order of His plan;
Louder, nearer rolls the thunder,
Of His awful word to man.
Louder, louder, hallelujah!
See the glorious fountain flow;
From the midst of Heav’n proclaim it,
Oh, it makes me white as snow.
Since by sin this earth was blighted,
God has whispered of His love,
Dreams and visions by His prophets,
Breathed of mercy from above.
Louder speaks His love in Jesus,
Heaven sweetly chants His fame;
Earth receives its glorious Savior,
Hallelujah to His name!
Yet the world is wrapped in slumber,
Louder raise the trumpet’s blast;
Oh in mercy let it thunder,
Ere the day of mercy’s past.
In the cages of deception
Souls are pining to be free;
Quickly sound the proclamation
Of the glorious jubilee.