Scripture Verse

Christ…hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2


George O. Webster (1866–1942)

Words: George O. Web­ster, 1906. Ap­peared in Hymns of His Grace No. 1 (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Bil­horn Bro­thers, 1907), num­ber 149.

Music: Frank E. Lind­gren (🔊 pdf nwc).

Frank E. Lindgren


Lovingly, ten­der­ly, tell the sweet sto­ry,
Of the dear Sav­ior whose in­fi­nite love
Brought Him to earth from the heav­en­ly glo­ry,
Seeking God’s ten­der com­pas­sion to prove.


Tell the sweet sto­ry again and again;
Let all who hear it the sto­ry re­peat;
Lovingly, ten­der­ly, swell the re­frain,
Till all of the ran­somed in glo­ry shall meet.

Lovingly, ten­der­ly, tell the sweet story,
Till ev­ery lost one the mes­sage has heard.
Angels look down from the heav­en­ly glo­ry;
They would re­joice to repeat the glad word.


Earnestly, faith­ful­ly, tell the sweet sto­ry;
Dear ones around thee are dy­ing in sin;
Jesus looks down from the heav­en­ly glo­ry,
Watching thee ga­ther the wan­der­ers in.


Prayerfully, pa­tient­ly, tell the sweet st­ory,
Earnestly seek­ing the lost ones to win;
Leading them up to those man­sions of glo­ry
Christ hath pre­pared for the ran­somed from sin.
