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George Orlia Webster



Born: Ap­ril 25, 1866, Fort Ann, New York.

Died: Oc­to­ber 1, 1942, Es­sex, New York.

Buried: Bol­ton Land­ing, New York.



Son of a Bap­tist min­is­ter, Web­ster spent time as a youth in lum­ber camps in the Adi­ron­dack Mount­ains. Be­fore leav­ing the Adi­ron­dacks, he was or­dained to preach by the North Riv­er Bap­tist Church (now closed).

He then at­tend­ed the Ver­mont Aca­de­my at Sax­ton’s Riv­er. He first preached at meet­ings of Aca­de­my stu­dents in the his­tor­ic Old Town Rock­ing­ham Church near Bel­lows Falls, Ver­mont.

His first stu­dent pas­tor­ate was at Mid­dle­town Springs, Ver­mont. He was sub­se­quent­ly sup­ply preach­er for the Bap­tist church in South Ac­worth, New Hamp­shire. Fol­low­ing a pe­ri­od of ev­an­gel­is­tic work, he be­came act­ing pas­tor at the Bap­tist church in St. Johns­bu­ry, Ver­mont. From there he was called to Mont­pe­li­er.

Of his ov­er 50 years of ser­vice as a min­is­ter, he spent more than 30 years in non-de­nom­in­ation­al set­tings, oft­en in com­bined church­es with Me­tho­dist, Pres­by­ter­ian, and Bap­tist mem­bers. While sup­ply­ing a num­ber of church­es in Uti­ca, New York, he was al­so state news ed­it­or for the Uti­ca Morn­ing Her­ald.

In lat­er years, Web­ster was pas­tor of the Fed­er­at­ed Church at Es­sex, New York, where there is a plaque in his me­mo­ry. He wrote sev­er­al hund­red pub­lished hymns and other songs.



