Scripture Verse

Ye see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25


Charlotte A. Barnard

Words: Ma­ry B. Pe­ters, Hymns In­tend­ed to Help the Com­mun­ion of Saints (Lon­don: Nis­bet, 1847).

Music: Brock­les­by Char­lotte A. Bar­nard, 1868 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Pe­ters (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Bar­nard,

Alternate Tune:


Lord, we see the day ap­proach­ing,
When Thou wilt again ap­pear;
Sinners still Thy gar­ments touch­ing,
Stay Thee in Thy com­ing here.

Hid in Heav­en all our trea­sure,
Patience now becomes Thy saints;
Lord, we wait Thy gra­cious plea­sure,
Faith should si­lence all com­plaints.

Through the wil­der­ness we wan­der,
Troubled oft, but not dis­tressed;
Seek we glo­ry? It is yon­der,
Suffering pledg­es fu­ture rest.

Coming judg­ments round us dark­en,
Human hearts may fail or fear;
But to Thee alone we heark­en,
Your re­demp­tion draw­eth near.

Make each wait­ing child obe­di­ent,
Stay our anx­ious hearts on this:
If Thy go­ing were ex­pe­di­ent,
Surely Thy re­turn is bliss.

Our own Lord is com­ing hi­ther,
Light in dark­ness, joy in grief;
Hope de­ferred would quick­ly wi­ther
Hearts that had not this re­lief.

All we need is deep af­fect­ion,
Singleness of eye and heart;
Strength to own Thee in re­ject­ion:
Grace suf­fi­cient, Lord, im­part!