Scripture Verse

God is a spirit. John 4:24


Johann S. C. Welhaven (1807–1873)

Words: Jo­hann S. C. Wel­ha­ven, in En Digt­sam­ling, 1859 (Aan­ders Her­re, du skal raade for de Skat­te du mig gav). Trans­lat­ed from Nor­we­gian to Eng­lish by George T. Rygh (1860–1942).

Music: Lord of Spir­its Fried­rich A. Reis­sig­er (1809–1883) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Friedrich A. Reissiger (1809–1883)


Lord of spirits, I surrender
For Thy use Thy gifts to me:
O but show Thy mercy tender
When my song no more shall be;
More and more my heart’s aflutter
With the thoughts I may not utter,
While life’s riddle great I ponder.

Let my laurels in oblivion
Turn to dust, I shall rejoice
If my soul, renewed, is given
There to sing with sacred voice,
If, in accents pure and glo­ri­ous,
I may join the hymn vic­to­ri­ous
At Thy throne to harps of Hea­ven.