Scripture Verse

Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Psalm 90:1


Words: Tho­mas H. Gill, Gold­en Chain 1864.

Music: Gold­en Chain Jo­seph Barn­by, 1887 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Gill (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)

This hymn as a whole be­longs to the Wal­dens­es on­ly, among whom it was be­gun, but all the peo­ple of God have an in­ter­est in the first two and the last vers­es.

Thomas Gill


Lord, Thou hast been our dwell­ing place
In ev­ery ge­ne­ra­tion;
Thy peo­ple still have known Thy grace,
And blessed Thy con­so­la­tion;
Through ev­ery age Thou heard’st our cry;
Through ev­ery age we found Thee nigh,
Our strength and our sal­va­tion.

Our cleav­ing sins we oft have wept,
And oft Thy pa­tience prov­èd;
But still Thy faith we fast have kept,
Thy name we still have lov­èd;
And Thou hast kept and loved us well,
Hast grant­ed us in Thee to dwell,
Unshaken, un­re­mov­èd.

No, no­thing from those arms of love
Shall Thine own peo­ple sev­er;
Our help­er nev­er will re­move,
Our God will fail us nev­er.
Thy peo­ple, Lord, have dwelt in Thee,
Our dwell­ing place Thou still wilt be,
For ev­er and for ev­er.