The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.
Psalm 50:1
Words: William Goode (1762–1816).
Music: St. Austin, Gregorian chant, arranged in the Bristol Tune Book, 1876 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
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Lo! the mighty God appearing,
From on high Jehovah speaks!
Eastern lands the summons hearing,
O’er the west His thunder breaks:
Earth beholds Him!
Universal nature shakes!
Zion, all its light unfolding,
God in glory shall display:
Lo! He comes! nor silence holding,
Fire and clouds prepare His way:
Tempests round Him!
Hasten on the dreadful day!
To the Heav’n His voice ascending,
To the earth beneath He cries:
Souls immortal now descending,
Let the sleeping dust arise,
Rise to judgment,
Let My throne adorn the skies!
Gather first My saints around Me,
Those who to My covenant stood;
Those who humbly sought and found Me
Through the dying Savior’s blood;
Blessed Redeemer!
Sweetest sacrifice to God!
Now the heav’ns on high adore Him,
And His righteousness declare;
Sinners perish from before Him,
But His saints His mercy share:
Just His judgment,
God Himself, the Judge, is there.