Scripture Verse

They sang as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. Revelation 14:3


Felice de Giardini
National Portrait Gallerybutton

Words: Will­iam Kings­bu­ry, in A New Se­lect­ion of Se­ven Hun­dred Ev­an­gel­ic­al Hymns for Pri­vate, Fa­mi­ly, and Pub­lic Wor­ship, by John Do­bell (Lon­don: Will­iams & Smith, 1806).

Music: Ita­li­an Hymn Fe­li­ce de Gi­ar­di­ni, in The Col­lect­ion of Psalm and Hymn Tunes Sung at the Cha­pel of the Lock Hos­pi­tal, 1769 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Kings­bu­ry (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Let us awake our joys,
Strike up with cheer­ful voice—
Each crea­ture sing;
Angels—be­gin the song,
Mortals—the strains pro­long,
In ac­cents sweet and strong—
Jesus is King.

Proclaim abroad His name,
Tell of His match­less fame—
What won­ders done;
Shout through hell’s dark pro­found;
Let the whole earth re­sound,
Till the high heav­ens re­sound—
The vic­to­ry’s won.

He van­quished sin and hell,
And the last foe will quell;
Mourners re­joice!
His dy­ing love adore;
Praise Him now raised in pow­er,
And tri­umph ever more,
With a glad voice.

All hail the glo­ri­ous day
When thro’ the heav­en­ly way,
Lo, He shall come!
While they who pierced Him wail,
His pro­mise shall not fail;
Saints, see your king pre­vail:
Come, dear Lord, come!