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Scripture Verse

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations. Matthew 28:19


Words: Sa­rah C. Moore, in Last­ing Songs, by Ben­ja­min B. Beall et al. (Doug­las­ville, Geor­gia: B. B. Beall, 1910), num­ber 2.

Music: Tho­mas N. Beall (🔊 ). Beall was Moore’s half bro­ther.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Moore (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Beall, would you send us an e-mail?

Thomas N. Beall (1871–1959)


Let us send the Gos­pel message
Far across the ocean wave,
To the millions who have nev­er
Heard of Je­sus’ power to save;
To the people who are living
In a land of darkest gloom
Where they have no thought of Heav­en,
And no hope beyond the tomb.


Let us send the message, blessèd Gos­pel message,
That the nations may all hear of Je­sus’ name;
Let us send the message, blessèd Gos­pel message,
That the heathen may be saved from sin and shame.

In our minds now, let us picture
Such a people, such a land,
And ourselves among the number,
With no sign of helping hand.
O the pain, the bitter sorrow
Of a life in such a place,
Ne’er to feel the peace and comfort
Of the Sav­ior’s pardoning grace!


Brethren, sisters, ’tis our duty,
And our privilege as well,
To this lost and dying people
Of a Sav­ior’s love to tell.
Jesus said, Go teach all nations;
Dare we slight His last command?
No, we’ll send the Gos­pel message
Into every heathen land.
