Scripture Verse

I come quickly; and My reward is with Me. Revelation 22:12


John Milton (1608–1674)

Words: John Mil­ton, Po­ems, 1648.

Music: Eag­ley James Walch, 1860 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Walch (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Lord will come and not be slow;
His foot­steps ca­nnot err;
Before Him right­eous­ness shall go,
His roy­al har­bin­ger.

Mercy and truth, that long were missed,
Now joy­ful­ly are met;
Sweet peace and right­eous­ness have kissed,
And hand in hand are set.

Rise, God, judge Thou the earth in might,
This wick­ed earth re­dress;
For Thou art He who shalt by right
The na­tions all pos­sess.

The na­tions all whom Thou hast made
Shall come, and all shall frame
To bow them low be­fore Thee, Lord!
And glo­ri­fy Thy name!

Truth from the earth, like to a flow­er,
Shall bud and blos­som then,
And jus­tice, from her heav’n­ly bow­er,
Look down on mor­tal men.

Thee will I praise, O Lord, my God!
Thee hon­or and ad­ore
With my whole heart; and blaze abroad
Thy name for­ev­er­more!